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discriminated analysis中文是什么意思

用"discriminated analysis"造句"discriminated analysis"怎么读"discriminated analysis" in a sentence


  • 差别分析


  • A discriminating analysis on the style of critical writing
  • The qualitative discriminating analysis to urban vegetable product pollution state space
  • Data obtained have been analyzed by multivariate statistical analysis methods including tactor and discriminate analysis
  • Thus , traditional credit assessment models , such as financial ratio analysis , multiple discriminate analysis and so on , cannot solve this problem effectively , completely and perfectly
  • We use gmdh to set up a forecasting model of chinese listed companies ’ financial crisis by using financial data . we compare the prognosticating effects of 3 models , which are set up according to the following 3 kinds of ways : the discriminate analysis , the logit analysis , and find that the gmdh is more effective way to transform data into knowledge
  • Based on the analysis of types and sources of risks that confront commercial banks , the paper first determines the methodology for its research , i . e . mathematical statistics for quantity factors and the fuzzy discriminating analysis for the quality factors . combining the evaluation approaches of the banks in germany and china , the paper gets 13 common indices , and with mathematical statistical method , chooses 4 factors that will influence customer credits : equity capital / total asset , velocity of stock in trade , velocity of total assets and payoff rate of total sale . the four factors with liquidity factor reflect the customer ' s financial characteristics , such as capital structure , operation , earnings and liquidity
    在理论分析的基础上,结合德国和中国有关银行的客户资信评价方法,在得到影响客户信用13个常用指标的基础上,利用数理统计分析方法( t检验、多元判别分析和逐步判别分析等)得出影响客户信用的四个因素:自有资本率、存货周转率、总资产周转率和销售盈利率,他们反映了企业资本结构、经营状况和盈利水平,加入企业的流动性以后,它们决定了客户的财务特征。
  • In the recent 50 years , many models such as multivariate discriminate analysis and neural network come out . however , in our country , financial distress prediction just begins . the main reasons are as follows : one reason is the lack of uniform accountant rule before july 1 , 1993 , the other reason is the difficult of having the financial dates of unlisted companies
  • Moreover , the fuzzy clustering discriminate analysis method for distinguishing and eliminating the gross error of the measurement sample is established . the gross error of the practical measured data is distinguished by use of the method prove the established the gross error distinguishing model practical to the measurement system
  • Considered the actual situation in china ' s stock exchanges , the author regards “ st ” ( special treatment ) as the sign of “ financial distress ” in this dissertation . by applying fisher ’ s multivariate discriminating analysis and logistic regressive analysis , the author creates two predictive models . the main conclusion of this dissertation are as follow : 1 . the reasons of the corporation financial distress are due to the poor earnings , the lower net cash and the liquidity problem . 2 . the financial ratio indexes of the listed corporation in china include the information of the forecasting financial distress
  • Data mining is defined as the nontrivial extraction of implicit , previously unknown , and potentially useful information from data or known as knowledge - discovery in databases ( kdd ) . to do this , data mining uses computational techniques from statistics , machine learning and pattern recognition such as discriminate analysis , regression method , mathematical programming , decision tree , k - nearest neighbor , artificial neural network etc . although many positive attempts are done , the development and application of personal credit assessment model in chinese bank industry is still in its infancy
    数据挖掘是20世纪90年代后期人工智能和数据库领域兴起的一种数据处理和知识发现( kdd )理论,是从大量的、不完全的、有噪声的、模糊的和随机的实际应用数据中,提取隐含在其中的信息和知识的过程。对数据进行分类和预测是数据挖掘的主要功能。数据挖掘用于信用评估的优势主要在于: ( 1 )能处理和修正实际数据问题,算法模型具有自检
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